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篇名 教學結構圖的課題系列化法研究
卷期 20下
並列篇名 Strategic Task Sequencing Method to Four Kinds of Teaching Types in Instructional Structure Graph
作者 李柏儒郭輝煌李仲瑜王瑀許天維胡豐榮
頁次 087-096
關鍵字 STS法教學策略教學結構圖STS methodteaching strategyinstructional structure graphTSCI
出刊日期 201212


根據教材地位圖之上下位先後次序關係,本研究提出四種型態之教學策略, 即脈絡型、基礎型、應用型與非脈絡型。此四種教學策略,乃分別透過日本學者 竹谷誠教授所提出之「策略性教學課題系列化法」(Strategic Task Sequencing method,簡稱STS法)來制定。本研究則依據簡單的分數加法教學課題結構圖, 詳述STS法與相關演算法,以說明四種教學策略客觀嚴謹的制定過程。


According to the lower and upper relation of instructional structure graph from a given hierarchical graph, this study proposes four kinds of strategic teaching types, namely the context type, foundation type, applied type and non-context type. Four kinds of strategic teaching types are introduced by Professor Makoto Takeya. We have utilized a simple graph of instructional structure of fraction addition to illustrate STS method with performing algorithms in detail as well as to give the four strategic teaching types.
