
臺灣人類學刊 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 Writing Women/Reading the Self:An “Itinerary of Thinking” about Hsin Hsing Village, Taiwan
卷期 10:1
並列篇名 寫作中的女性與自身反思閱讀:研究臺灣彰化縣新興村的一個思考歷程
作者 葛瑞黛
頁次 159-173
關鍵字 女性主義新馬克思主義全球資本主義父權化反思對立的論述 與反抗FeminismNeo-MarxismGlobal Capitalist Patriarchyreflexivityoppositional discourse and resistanceScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 201206


本文根據筆者過去50年在台灣中西部彰化縣新興村的研究’所經歴過 三波『婦女與發展』理論典範的變遷。由於所採取的認識論與反思的立場, 而導致這些變遷的理論直接影響其研究論述與觀點。建基於深度民族誌的資 料上,筆者一方面陳述由於不同的認識論所提供的視界框架,使能看到不同 時期中農村婦女不同的『真實』面貌。而另一方面由於採用反思的立場,進 而不斷挑戰自己的觀點。認識論的轉變,將筆者導向不同的真象,而反思 的立場,則讓她理解真象的不確定性。換言之,本文指出:對新興村婦女的 描述可能反映出局部的真象,但筆者對這些現象的解釋,卻完全受其學術主 流理論的影響。


The author introduces three major paradigm shifts in theories of women and development in Taiwan over the past 50 years when she was involved in research in Hsin Hsing, a rural community in west-central Taiwan. This paper explores the way theory has been engraved in her work by adopting an epistemological and reflexive stance. On the one hand, based on nuanced ethnographic data, the author explicates how different epistemological stances provided her the lenses with which she presented the “reality” of women during different stage of her research. On the other hand, a reflexive stance compelled the author to confront her own processes of thinking. The epistemological choices led her to produce a number of different “truths”,but the reflexivity challenged her to admit that. In sum, the author argues that while her descriptions of Hsin Hsing women’s lives mirrored reality, her interpretation of the meanings attributed to them were profoundly shaped by the theory that guided her thinking.
