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篇名 Implications of Yunnan Chinese Land-use Practices for Sustainable Hill Farming in Northern Thailand
卷期 5:2
並列篇名 泰北雲南華人土地利用模式 對永續性山坡農業的影響
作者 Mattiga Panomtaranichagu黃樹民
頁次 123-147
關鍵字 永續性農業離散華人金三角環境保護土壤沖蝕sustainable agricultureChinese diasporathe Golden Triangleenvironmental conservationsoil erosionScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 200712


本計畫是「建立泰北高地永續性鄕村生計:離散華人及其文化適應」整合型 硏究計畫中的一環。硏究的目標是藉由評估不同類型的坡地農耕操作,暸解其對 土壤生產力和農業生態系運作有何具體的影響,進而改善坡地作物的永續性生產。 硏究地點位於泰北淸邁省Chaiprakarn區的Banmai Nongbua村。
文中首先簡述雲南離散華人在1960年代後,從金三角的緬甸境內退居此地, 以及其後他們從毒品生產與運銷,轉爲從事坡地農耕的歷史。由於他們在移居泰 國前,已極爲熟悉坡地農作方法,這直接影響到他們對梯田的選擇與建構。爲了 進一步評估其農作系統對土壤永續性的影響,我們選擇下列五種土地利用模式,以 定期、固定土壤深度實地測量並採取土壤樣本,於實驗室分析土壤成分做比較:(1) 橘科(Citrus reticulate), (2)慕枝(Litchi chinensis Sonn.), (3)芒果[Mangifera indica Linn.),⑷玉蜀黍(Zea mays), (5)再生林(主要是竹子 gigantean,和混合的落葉喬木)。


This project is an integral component of the main project, Building A Sustainable Rural Livelihood in Highland Northern Thailand: Chinese Diasporas and Their Cultural Adaptation. This study evaluates the impacts of different types of hill farming practices on soil productivity and agro-ecological status; hopefully this will lead to improvements in sustainable crop production on slope land in the future. The sites studied are located in the village of Banmai in Chaiprakarn District, Chiang Mai Province, northern Thailand.
A brief historical narrative describes the Yunnan Chinese diaspora that settled in this region in 1960s after retreating from the Burmese side of the Golden Triangle and their conversion from drug producers and traffickers to hill farmers. Their familiarity with hill farming before settling in Thailand contributed significantly to their selection and construction of hill farms. To further assess the impact of their farming systems on soil sustainability, we identified five patterns of land use: (1) tangerine groves, Citrus reticulate., (2) litchi groves, Litchi chinensis Sonn; (3) mango orchards, Mangifera indica Linn. (4) maize fields, Zea mays; and (5) secondary forest (mainly bamboo, Arundinaria gigantean, and mixed deciduous trees). In each of these sites field measurements and soil samples were taken for laboratory analysis. The soil samples were conducted at fixed depths over a period time for comparative purposes.
