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篇名 曹操的祠廟與祭祀
卷期 5:1
並列篇名 The Shrines and Sacrifices of Cao Cao
作者 蔡宗憲
頁次 083-103
關鍵字 曹操魏武帝祠廟申屠駉邵寶Cao CaoEmperor Wei WuGhost ShrineShen Tu JiongShao Bao
出刊日期 201306


曹操是一位具有爭議性的歷史人物,魏晉至北宋間,他的才 略與霸業是人們論議的焦點,南宋以後,由於對曹操的評價轉趙 負面,原本受人崇祀的祠廟也因此遭到毁壞。本文以曹操祠廟作 為研究個案,除考察其地理分布,也透過人物評價與祭祀興廢的變化,分析人鬼神祠發展的軌跡。


Cao Cao is a very controversial man in Chinese history. From the Wei-Jin to the Northern Song dynasties, Most of the controversy centers on his ability, wisdom, and exploits. After the Southern Song Dynasty, review of His legacy turned negative. Shrines offering sacrifices to him were destroyed. This paper is a case study of Cao Cao’s shrines. We will explore their geographic distributions and trace and analyze the development of his shrines. This will be done from the viewpoint of the change of peoples’ evaluations of him and the rise and decline of their sacrifices to him.
