
中華輔導與諮商學報 TSSCI

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篇名 青少年自尊特質、家庭型態與憤怒型式之相關研究
卷期 36
並列篇名 A study on Self-Esteem, Family type and Anger pattern of Adolescents
作者 甘孟龍
頁次 091-116
關鍵字 自尊特質青少年家庭型態憤怒型式adolescentself-esteemfamily typeanger patternTSSCI
出刊日期 201308




The purpose of this study was to compare three types of anger among adolescents of different sex, self-esteem and family type. The sample consisted of 518 junior high students who reside in Zhanghua County, Taiwan. The research tools in this study were "Individual Basic Information Survey", "the Adolescent Anger Rating Scale", "the Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale" and "The Stability of Self Scale". The statistical methods included descriptive statistics, one-way and two-way MANOVA . The results were as follows: (1)There was no interaction between sex and self-esteem on adolescent anger response pattern. (2)Sex differences were observed in adolescent anger pattern, in which adolescent males demonstrated higher levels of instrumental anger than females, while females showed higher levels of anger control. (3)The differences in self-esteem among adolescents with different anger pattern were observed. Adolescents with unstable and low levels of self-esteem demonstrated higher levels of reactive anger and instrumental anger than adolescents with stable and low levels of self-esteem, and adolescents with stable and high levels of self-esteem. (4)There was no significant relation between family type and self-esteem of adolescent. (5)There was no significant difference between adolescent of family types on anger pattern.
