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篇名 一位初次血液透析病患治療計畫知識缺失、無力感、哀傷之護理經驗
卷期 12:3
並列篇名 Nursing experience with first-time hemodialysis patient experiencing treatment plan knowledge deficit,powerlessness and grief
作者 徐淑華吳素綿鍾玉珠
頁次 075-088
關鍵字 血液透析無力哀傷hemodialysispowerlessgriefTSCI
出刊日期 201309
DOI 10.3966/172674042013091203007


本文旨在探討一位慢性腎衰竭患者接受初次血液透析治療面臨治療計畫知識缺 失、無力感及哀傷之護理經驗。護理期間爲2010年6月25日至8月5日。筆者運 用觀察、會談、傾聽、身體評估及查閲病歷等方式,收集身體、情绪、智能、社會及 靈性等五大層面之護理問題,確立個案主要的健康問題爲治療計畫知識缺失、無力感 及哀傷。護理過程中運用個別性護理措施以提供個案及家屬血液透析及透析導管自我 照顧知識與腎病飲食衛教,鼓勵學習相關技能以提昇個案之疾病照護知識及自我控制 感、適應血液透析之新生活。同時運用主動關懷、傾聽及同理心给予個案及家屬心理 支持與鼓勵,陪伴個案度過失去至親的哀傷過程。期望藉由此護理經驗,提供臨床護 理同仁在照護此類病患之參考。


This case report describes the nursing experience with a patient with from chronic renal failure undergoing hemodialysis for the first time powerlessness that experienced treatment plan knowledge deficit, powerlessness and grief. During the nursing period from June 26 to July 2nd in 2010, the author used observations, interviews, physical examinations and review of medical records to identify nursing issues in the five key dimensions: body, emotion, intellect, society and spirituality. Major nursing problems identified included: treatment plan knowledge deficit, powerlessness, and grief. The application of individual nursing intervention during the nursing process educated the patient and her family on self-care of dialysis and dialysis catheter as well as proper diets for kidney disease. We encouraged the patient to learn skills that helped with caring for her disease and self-control in order to adapt to a new life with hemodialysis. At the same time, the author utilized active caring, listening and empathy to provide psychological support and encouragement to the patient and her family. The author also helped the patient cope with the grieving process after the loss of a loved one. The nursing experienced provided in this report should help nursing personnel with similar cases.
