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篇名 再探「台灣新寫實主義」—以張經宏、徐嘉澤的小說為觀察文本
卷期 7:3
並列篇名 Re-exploration of “Neo-realism of Taiwan” – Observation of the Novels Written by Chang Ching-hung and Su Chia-tse
作者 王國安
頁次 001-018
關鍵字 張經宏徐嘉澤台灣新寫實主義Chang Ching-hungSu Chia-tseNeo-realism of Taiwan
出刊日期 201309


筆者曾以「第21屆聯合文學小說新人獎」的評審會議記錄,及花柏容的〈龜 島少年〉與《愛貪小便宜的安娜》為觀察文本,整體歸納「台灣新寫實主義」的 風格與筆法、技巧,今再加入張經宏與徐嘉澤兩位在2010年左右才嶄露頭角且 創作質量均豐的作家加入探討,試圖再探「台灣新寫實主義」的具體樣貌。
首先,在兩人的小說中,我們看到「人性現實面與光明面的辯證」,小說或 以人性的現實面作為主軸,而有著嘲諷、陰鬱的氣質,但人的光明、良善的特質 卻多能在故事中成為轉折或歸結的重心所在。而兩人的小說中,也多以「都市」 為背景,以呈現真實的生活感,他們於小說中呈顯的,是「人」如何在都市中適 應或是尋求慰藉、溫暖的各種心境與方法,也是「人」如何在「都市」之中得以 安頓那掙扎求存的心靈的具體呈現。且在兩人的小說中,明確的區域地景與空間 表徵,也都是他們用以表達人與環境互動以及人如何認知自我與世界聯繫的方法。 最後,兩人多有以同志為主題的小說,而在小說中,也一反傳統同志小說承載族 群議題或理論深度的傾向,而是以同志題材反映「人」的真實慾望,表現對「人」 的完整詮釋,並照之以光明、溫暖,沖淡同志小說的悲情傾向。以上對兩人創作 風格近似處的歸納整理,都可讓吾人擴充理解「台灣新寫實主義」的風格與筆法 展現。


In the past the researcher has used the jury’s minutes of “The 21st United Literature's Novel Writing Competition for Novice Writers” and Hua Bo-rong’s Teenager from Turtle Island and Ana, the One who is keen on Gaining Petty Advantages as texts for observation to completely summarize the styles, writing methods, and techniques in “Neo-realism of Taiwan.” Now, Chang Ching-hung and Su Chia-tse were added, they are two prolific authors who have come into public view around 2010, in attempt to further explore the specific traits of “Neo-realism of Taiwan.”
First, in their novels, we see “dialectic between the reality and brightness of humanity.” The novels tend to focus on the reality of human nature, with a sarcastic and dark quality, but the brightness and benevolent characteristics in humanity also become the focus of transition or summation in the stories. Their novels use the city as a background to present a genuine sense of living. They demonstrate how people adapt in cities or seek consolation and warmth in different mental states as well as methods; this is also a concrete demonstration of how people pacify their hearts that struggle for existence in cities. Furthermore, their novels utilize clear regional landmarks and spatial features to express the interaction between people and environment as well as how they perceive the connection between the self and the world. Finally, their novels both focus on homosexuality, and it counters the traditional inclination to homosexual novels bearing issues about groups or theoretical depth, rather than use the theme to reflect true desires of people, expressing a comprehensive interpretation in people, using brightness and warmth to dispel the pathetic tendency in novels of homosexuality. The summary of the similarities in their creative styles can augment our understanding of the styles and writing methods in Neo-realism of Taiwan.
