
Journal of Computers EIMEDLINEScopus

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篇名 A Genetic Algorithm-Fuzzy-Based Voting Mechanism Combined with Hadoop Map-Reduce Technique for Microarray Data Classification
卷期 24:3
作者 Wu, Ming-TaiWu, Jain-ShingLee, Chung-NanChen, Ming-Cheng
頁次 040-048
關鍵字 genetic algorithmfuzzy systemmicroarrayhadoopcloud computingEIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201310



Cloud computing is one of the major Information Technology (IT) trends that adopt IT maximum utility. It aids to analyze larger datasets for the hiding information. Existing methods may have a good performance, but it takes a lot of time to analyze microarray data. In this paper, we propose a novel Genetic algorithm (GA)-Fuzzy-based voting mechanism combined with the Hadoop to find the critical genes that affect the symptom. In addition, we proposed a voting mechanism adopted the Hadoop technique to increase the
speed. Moreover, the proposed algorithm is also suitable for the Hadoop technique. Here, we used seven experimental datasets to verify the power of the proposed algorithm. The accuracies of four datasets using the
proposed algorithm are better than the results obtained by the competing algorithm. However, there are three datasets are worse than the competing algorithm. Nevertheless, experimental results show that the proposed
algorithm performs the best.
