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篇名 台灣「音樂資優教育 」的省思與前瞻
卷期 682
並列篇名 The introspections and prospects of Taiwan music gifted education
作者 姚世澤
頁次 003-007
關鍵字 台灣音樂教育音樂才能資優概念音樂評鑑音樂人格特質
出刊日期 201308


「音樂資優教育」制度如何因應時代變革的學習需求?自從教育部在1963 年訂定「五年音樂資優實驗班」到1984 年公布「特殊教育法」之後,將近五十年,確實培育不少音樂優秀人才。但近年來,由於大環境、少子化的影響,導致各縣市音樂才能班招生不足,假性資優充斥,漸漸失去特殊才能設班的宗旨與目標。本文將針對教育部應如何就;制度修訂、資源整合、師資專業、預算編列、課程調整、評鑑制度等方面,以及資優教育政策的修訂與規劃,作整體評估,深入探究「音樂才能班」的定位與未來人才培育之發展方向,以提昇我國的競爭力,分別論述之。


How does the Gifted Education for Music system responds to the learning needs due to the constant changes of the current era ? Since the Ministry of Education started the Five-Year Music Gifted experimental program in 1963 until 1984 the Ministry of Education announced the Special Education Program; the music gifted experimental program cultivated and nurtured many talented students after nearly five decades. In recent years, due to the effect of social environment and low birth rate, the enrollment to the gifted music classes has significantly decreased. To meet the number of enrollment to the gifted music classes, the gifted music classes would have higher enrollment of pseudo-gifted students which gradually lost the aims and objectives of the original purposes of the gifted music classes. This article will discuss the Ministry of Education how to: institutional amendments, integration of resources, teacher professional, curriculum adaptation, evaluation system, budgeting, and future policy direction to develop an overall assessment and to review the positioning of musical talent classes in order to enhance the competitiveness of our country.
