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篇名 技職大專生參與服務學習課程之案例分析─以致理技術學院國際貿易系為例
卷期 11:2
並列篇名 A Case Study on Technological and Vocational College Students in Service-Learning Program: Department of International Trade of Chihlee Institute of Technology
作者 黃培真
頁次 041-068
關鍵字 服務學習技職教育2010 臺北國際花卉博覽會Service-LearningTechnological and Vocational Education2010 Taipei International Flora Exposition
出刊日期 201212


本硏究以技職大專學生參與專業服務學習課程作爲主要硏究標的,進行成效探索,並就相關硏究結果提出建議,以供高等教育強化服務學習課程規劃與執行之借鑒。硏究方法採質性硏究之文件分析法及訪談法,進行個案硏究探討,分析 硏究參與者參與服務學習之成效。硏究結果發現服務學習成效可以歸納爲人際溝通更順暢、提昇職場專業能力、充實個人內涵、擴展國際化視野、提昇公民素養 五大核心槪念。硏究者並根據硏究結果提出四點結論:一、服務學習場域影響服務學習之成效;二、服務學習課程有利培養積極、效能之公民;三、服務學習課程有利於學生課業學習,並活化課程知識;四、服務學習課程有利於國家社會及學校教育國際化發展。


This research explores the effectiveness of the professional service-learning program, followed by recommendations regarding research results, for the reference of higher education institutions in overall planning and better execution of the service-learning program. The subjects of this research are technological and vocational college students who have enrolled in the service-learning program and participated in this case study. This case study adopts the qualitative methodology of documental analysis and interviewing. The findings from the research show that effects of service-learning encompass the following concepts: smoother interpersonal communication, improved academic and professional capability, enriched personal development, broader international perspective, and enhanced civic perception.
Based on the findings above, the following conclusions can be drawn: (1) the choice of service-learning placements affects results of the service-learning program, (2) the service-learning program helps cultivate active and efficient citizens, (3) the program helps students perform better academically and use knowledge more flexibly, and (4) the program helps promote globalization of our society and higher education.
