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篇名 大學生生涯自我效能與生涯阻隔因素之探討─以國立中興大學為例
卷期 11:2
並列篇名 Study on Factors of Career Self-efficacy and Career Barriers of University Students: A Case Study of National Chung Hsing University
作者 關永馨
頁次 093-117
關鍵字 生涯自我效能生涯阻隔因素生涯輔導Career Self-EfficacyCareer BarriersCareer Guidance
出刊日期 201212


本硏究探討大學生生涯自我效能與生涯阻隔因素及其相互關係。採用問卷調 查法,以中興大學學生爲硏究對象,總計有效樣本人數爲669名。問卷塡答結果, 以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析及Spearman等級相關等方法進行資料 分析,結果摘述如下:
一、中興大學學生之整體生涯自我效能高於中等以上,然「收集職業資料」之效 能有待加強;在整體生涯阻隔低於中等以下,然「決策干擾」與「信心不足」 之阻隔較高。
二、不同性別之學生,在整體生涯自我效能無顯著差異;然整體生涯阻隔則男生 高於女生。
三、不同年級之學生,在整體生涯自我效能無顯著差異;然在「學習干擾」阻隔 與「科系困擾」阻隔有顯著差異。
四、不同學院之學生,在「自我瞭解與評估」效能有顯著差異;在整體生涯阻隔 有顯著差異。
五、有工讀經驗之學生,在整體生涯自我效能高於無經驗者;然有工讀經驗者 在「學習干擾」阻隔較高。


This study explored the factors and their relationships of the career self-efficacy and career barriers of National Chung Hsing University students. A total of 669 effective samples of students were examined. Data of the questionnaires of the career self-efficacy and career barriers were analyzed by t-test, ANOVA and Spearman rank correlation . The results were summarized as the followings:
1. The career self-efficacy of students was in general higher than the medium; the career barriers of students were in general less than the medium.
2. No significant difference in career self-efficacy between different gendership; however, the career barriers of male were higher than the female students.
3. No significant difference in career self-efficacy among different grade levels ; however, they were significantly different in learning interference barrier and in Department interference barrier.
4. There were significantly different in the efficacy of self-understanding and evaluation among different colleges; they were significantly different in career barriers .
5. Students with part-time job experience were higher in career self-efficacy than without experience ; whereas they were higher in learning interference barrier .
6. There were significantly different in career self-efficacy among students with different career selections after graduation; they were significantly different in the unclear direction barrier and in the Department interference barrier .
7. There were significantly negative correlations between the factors of career self-efficacy and career barriers.
The data obtained from this study would provide helpful information of career guidance for university students and as the bases of the further research.
