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篇名 運用Moodle數位學習平台提昇學習滿意度一某區域教學醫院為例
卷期 2:1
並列篇名 Enhance Learning Satisfaction by Applying Moodle e-Learning Platform -An Example of a Regional Teaching Hospital
作者 張其純高碧連陳淑慧
頁次 233-244
關鍵字 Moodle數位學習平台教學活動教學活動學習滿意度Moodle e-Learning platformTeaching ActivitiesTeaching QualityTeaching Quality
出刊日期 201308


資訊科技改變了教學模式與學習環境。運用Moodle數位學習平台,提供了多元的 教學内容及不受時空限制的學習環境。本研究分析醫事職類之實習學生運用Moodle數位學習平台與教學活動、教學品質、學習滿意度之關係。研究結果顯示,在Moodle數位學習平台,以即時學習認同度最高,其次為師生互動;而影響教學活動則為教學計晝、教學目標、補強機制、檢討改善;教學品質主要以評量機制,其次為雙向回饋;而影響 學習滿意度以教師教學,其次為學習成效等因素。是故,若要提昇學習滿意度,教師須 以學習者為中心提供更多的教材資源、多元評量及師生互動平台,藉由運用Moodle數 位學習平台,我們可以營造一個良好的數位化學習環境。


Information technology is changing teaching mode and learning environment. Moodle e-Learning platform provides a diverse learning environment which is not limited by time or space. This study analyzed the relationship between using Moodle e-Learning platform and teaching activities, teaching quality and learning satisfaction among paramedical intern students. This study found, regarding the Moodle e-Learning platform, students valued immediate learning most, followed by teacher-student interaction. For teaching activities, teaching plans, teaching objectives, compensating mechanisms, review and improvement were major factors. For teaching quality, first evaluation mechanism and then bi-directional feedback were key factors. For learning satisfaction, teachers’ teaching and then the effectiveness of learning were the most important. Therefore, in order to enhance learning satisfaction, teachers should provide more learner-centered teaching materials, multiple assessments and interactive platform. By applying Moodle e-Learning platform, We can create a good e-learning environment.

