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篇名 考量產品生命週期多階層綠色供應商最佳選擇
卷期 8:4
並列篇名 Optimal Multi-stage Green Suppliers Selection with Consideration of Product Life Cycle
作者 饒忻賴慶鴻方翊澤許馨予郭財吉項衛中
頁次 151-159
關鍵字 生命週期評估綠色供應鏈筆記型電腦環境衝擊碳足跡life cycle assessmentgreen supply chainnotebook computerenvironmental impactcarbon footprint
出刊日期 201310


隨著環保與永續發展意識的提高,近年來各國政府注意到全球暖化問題,並 開始要求企業揭露產品的環境資訊並規範企業溫室氣體的排放量,以減緩或是抑 制溫室氣體的排放。因此企業生產產品時,若能在產品生命週期(製造、運輸、 組裝、消費者使用、生命終期)期間,加入環境考量,讓能源及其他資源有效的 使用,並選擇對環境友善之供應商,將會對環境的改善有極大的貢獻。有鑒於此,本研究以筆記型電腦為例,在考量生命週期階段下,首先計算碳足跡以評估產品對環境之衝擊,再透過本研究所提出的綠色供應商績效評選模式(含評選績效、碳足跡及成本三方面)之計算結果,挑選出筆記型電腦產品組裝、零組件組裝及零件製造此三階層之最佳供應商。


With the rising awareness on environmental protection and sustainable development, governments around the world have noticed the problem of global warming and begin requesting companies to disclose the environment-related information and to set up regulations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from each stage in the product life cycle. Therefore, if enterprises can take into account environment considerations through the product life cycle including manufacturing, transportation, assembly, customer-use and end of life cycle while they are designing products, they could be able to make good use of the resources such as effective energy utilization and environment-friendly suppliers’ selection to make significant contribution to the environment. In this study, notebook computer is taken as an example to calculate carbon footprint for assessing the impact on environment. Moreover, this study proposes a green suppliers’ performance evaluation model including three criteria of assessment performance, carbon footprint, and cost to select the best suppliers at three different stages, namely, product assembly, key components assembly, and part manufacturing in the notebook computer supply chain.

