
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 職前教保人員與幼兒分享閱讀之探究
卷期 38
並列篇名 Pre-service Early Childhood Teachers’ Shared Reading Interaction with Preschool Children
作者 趙金婷陳瑤惠
頁次 287-301
關鍵字 圖畫書分享閱讀說故事Picture BooksShared ReadingStory Telling
出刊日期 201212


本研究旨在探討職前教保人員與學前幼兒分享閱讀圖畫書時的互動歷程。研究對象為30 組幼保系學生和4-5 歲的中班幼兒,錄影並轉錄其分享閱讀圖畫書之互動歷程,並進一步分析其分享閱讀模式及外加內容的類型。


This study examined pre-service early childhood teachers and preschoolers’ interaction process on shared readings of picture storybooks.
30 pre-service teachers shared picture books with age 4-5 children in preschool classroom were videotaped. Their importation utterances were coded and analysis in order to identify and classified by the patterns of shared reading and imported information categories.
Research results showed the variability of shared reading time and imported information frequencies in the 30 group were high. The majority categories of importation were illustrations,contextual clues and personal experiences. Classroom management, other text, performative and play
were less appeared imported categories. Most of the pre-service teachers’ shared reading styles was the simple model.
According to this study, pre-service early childhood teachers can consider how they increase their shared reading strategies and improve their reading style to include a greater portion of participation and imported information categories and to develop young children’s multiple ability development in a comprehensive way.

