
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 臺灣溫泉參與者之參與動機暨健康意象研究
卷期 38
並列篇名 Study on the Motivation and Health Image of Hot Spring Participants in Taiwan
作者 林指宏張麗蓉簡如瑩張翊峰蔡文晉
頁次 469-489
關鍵字 溫泉產業保健技術健康服務動機暨健康意象Hot Spring IndustryWellness TechnologyHealth ServiceImage of Motivation and Health Correspondence: Department of Tourism Management, Chia-Nan University of Pharmacy and Science, Tainan
出刊日期 201212




The study used quantitative research questionnaires. The main research area of this study was in the Gu-Guan, Guanziling Creek and Chih-Pen hot spring areas. The respondents of this study have shown, in terms of the concepts of health promotion, the field of personal health conditions, the personal recognition of "I feel that my mental health is good" was the highest degree, following in the field of personal body, mind and spiritual
health conditions, the degree of "listen to music" was the highest. In terms of the concepts of complementary therapy, the degree of "underwater exercise" was the highest. In terms of the concepts of spa tour motivations,the field of recreation, the personal recognition of “leisure fun" was the highest degree, following in the field of spa health promotion, the degree of "improve the fatigue and restore physical" was the highest. In terms of spa health services, the degree of " massage" was the highest. In addition, the differences between the socio-economic backgrounds, the results have shown that men on health conscious were high more than women;married on the "health conscious" and "physical & mental health", "recreational concepts" three image were high
more than the unmarried, but the concept of "complementary therapy", it was higher unmarried. Different ages were significant shown on the concepts of "physical and spiritual health, the concept of "complementary
therapy".Occupations different were significant shown on the concepts of "complementary therapy", "recreational concepts", "health promotion" and "spa health promotion". Income different were significant shown on the concepts of "health conscious" and "physical and spiritual health, the concept of "complementary therapy", "health promotion", "spa health promotion" and "health service". Finally, the study was further
compared the relationship between the different dimensions. The results have shown that between the "health promotion" and "hot spring health promotion" mostly significant, followed by "recreational concepts" and
"health promotion". Regression compared with the "immersion experience" and "location of hot spring areas",the results significant were finding only between the "immersion experience" and "complementary therapy", but
the other dimensions were no significant relationship.

