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篇名 女子職業高爾夫選手擊球技能與成績相關性分析
卷期 38
並列篇名 Golf Swing Skills Correlated of LPGA Tour Performance
作者 梁俊煌
頁次 490-499
關鍵字 攻上果嶺能力開球準確度開球距離On Green in RegulationDriving AccuracyDriving Distance.
出刊日期 201212


本研究主要是希望暸解2011 年女子職業高爾夫選手擊球技能與比賽表現相關性分析。研究中計有77 位女子職業高爾夫選手,自變項因子係以擊球技能作為選定標準,如1.推桿數(Putts on
Green in Regulation)、2.攻上果嶺能力(On Green in Regulation)、3.開球準確度(Driving Accuracy)、4.開球距離(Driving Distance)、5.沙坑救起能力(Sand Save)等五項技術表現。依變項因子則以選手2011 年比賽表現,如1.博蒂次數(Birdie per Round)、2.老鷹次數(Eagle per Round)、3.每回合桿數(Score per Round)等。研究中以線性多元迴歸進行選手擊球技能與比賽成績表現相關性分析。綜合上述所得結果可結論出,1.LPGA 女子高爾夫選手在順利攻上果嶺後,應掌握關鍵博蒂推桿。


This study was designed to determine the relationship between golf swing skills and 2011 LPGA Tour performance. Swing skills were assessed 1) Putts on Green in Regulation, 2) On Green in Regulation, 3) Driving Accuracy, 4) Driving Distance, and 5) Sand Save. The LPGA Tour performance was recorded such as 1) Birdie per Round, 2) Eagle per Round, 3) Score per Round. The SPSS Regression was used to determine the correlation between the dependant and independent variables.
Results: 1) LPGA players need to make more birdies after on green in regulation. 2) Increasing on Green in Regulation can reduce scores per round. 3) Long Driving Distance can help to make more Birdies and Eagles. 4) Driving Distance is more important than Driving Accuracy, but Driving
Accuracy still needs to maintain in a higher level. 5) Good Sand Save could avoid increasing swing strokes. Conclusions: 1) In order to increase driving distance, players need to do more weight training.
An ideal process is to drive the ball to fairway, on green in regulation, and have a nice putt. 2) Taking stress and mantel classes could enhance the ambition to win. 3) Missing green and the ball stays in sand bunker, a good sand save can reduce increasing strokes. 4) Players with good conditions can play more aggressively. When bad times come, players should avoid high risk strategy.

