
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 瞭解加護病房護理人員對於臨床資訊系統的使用行為:整合科技接受模式與電腦自我效能
卷期 38
並列篇名 Understanding the Use behavior of Clinical Information System by intensive care unit nurses: An Integration of TAM and Computer Self-Efficacy
作者 謝碧容許時涵郭品誼蘇郁涵
頁次 510-518
關鍵字 加護病房臨床資訊系統科技接受模式系統使用Intensive care unitClinical Information systemTechnology acceptance modelInformation system use
出刊日期 201212


本研究主要以系統使用者觀點,結合科技接受模式與電腦自我效能為理論模型,藉以瞭解加護病房護理人員對臨床資訊系統的使用行為。因此,本研究發放120 份問卷,回收有效樣本共72 份,有效回收率為60%。經實證結果發現:實際使用行為受使用意圖之正向影響;使用意圖受知覺有用性與知覺易用性之正向影響;知覺有用性受電腦自我效能及知覺易用性之正向影響;知覺易用性受電腦自我效能之正向影響。綜言之,本研究結果可驗證臨床資訊系統的具體實施成效,能提供給學術界與實務界對於臨床資訊系統之系統設計、實施策略與行為研究的參考依據。


In the modern intensive care unit, patients rely on various invasive tubes which connect vital equipments to maintain life. Thus, the number of intensive care units looking for a data management system to perform their
increasingly complex tasks is rising. However, prior researches have been lack of exploring on the use of clinical information system (CIS). As a result, this investigation combines technology acceptance model (TAM) and
computer self-efficacy to study users’ behavior from a nurse’s perceptions. The research methodology in this study is based on empirical data collected through a questionnaire survey of hospitals in Taiwan. In this study,
105 questionnaires were sent, 60 valid samples were collected, and the effective rate was 57%. The results indicate that, actual use is affected by behavioral intention use and department positively. In the behavioral
intention use, it will be affected by perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use in a positive way. In the perceived usefulness, will be affected by computer self-efficacy and perceived ease of use positively. Over all, this research contributes to the development of more effective CIS. Implications of these findings are discussed and managerial guidelines presented.

