
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 雲端服務系統經營模式個案研究
卷期 38
並列篇名 Case Study in Cloud Service Structure and Business Model
作者 李豐良
頁次 534-544
關鍵字 電子商務情境B to C雲端服務平台即服務Electric CommerceContext B to CCloud ServicePaaS
出刊日期 201212


雲端服務為近年來重要的網路商務經營趨勢,雲端服務公司利用網路之Web2.0 的使用者互動概念,提供建置各式應用平台,吸納各類使用者的應用與需求,建立即時的網路商業經營模式,增加使用者間
的互動與影響,是雲端服務公司能否成功的主要關鍵因素。本文探討某「平台即服務」模式之數位旅遊資訊雲端服務公司之經營管理模式與運作機制,從所開發出之軟硬體設備,經由技術與方法之創新而商品化應用的理念與過程,由相關商務運作模式,瞭解其商務利基與經營策略,同時並進行經營SWOT 分析,俾以提供給相關雲端服務產業創新發展之參考。


Cloud service is one of the important internet activities in the recent Internet era. The business model of cloud service is also a key success factor for companies to endure in the Internet. In the past, the companies didn’t differentiate users’ needs with their services. But now, the interaction between users and companies becomes closer and more rapidly by the Internet. The user communities can also affect users’ decisions and behaviors by the Internet.
This study focuses a cloud service company, with PaaS model, supplied digital content for travel and recreation information. The business structure involved with users will be discussed. The interaction mechanism
between users, user communities and company will also be discussed. Furthermore, the service content and processes will be checked as well as other systems, such as fee and audit mechanism. Besides, the SWOT of case
company will be analyzed. Some suggestions will be proposed for the case company with further niche.

