
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 一位家暴受虐兒的家庭特質
卷期 38
並列篇名 Characteristics of a child abused family
作者 王秀美曾儀芬
頁次 608-628
關鍵字 受虐兒家暴家庭暴力代間傳遞暴力傳遞過程maltreated childdomestic violent familyntergenerational transmission of family violenceprocess of violent transmission
出刊日期 201212


有鑑於兒童及少年保護案件的比例日趨上升,有必要從家暴家庭復原者的成長經驗深入探討家暴家庭的代際間的互動模式,以及其成員呈現獨特的認知、情緒和行為特質,故本文採用質性研究方法,分析一位受虐兒25 個月的諮商日記及諮商後2 次的深度訪談。結果如下:首先,暴力家庭的互動模式是呈現出暴力代間傳遞現象及傳遞過程。其次,家暴家庭成員的心理特質呈現出施虐因素及暴力代間傳遞因素。然而,本研究發現受虐兒成長環境中存在的正向支持力量,成為打破家庭暴力循環的起點。最後,本文根據研究結果討論其意涵,並對社工員及社政單位提出相關建議。


The increasing number of child protection cases indicated the need of exploring the family experiences for a domestic violence survivor, the family’s intergenerational transmission of violent interactive pattern, and family members’ unique cognitive, emotional and behavioral characteristics.
Thus, the purpose of this study was to use a qualitative methodology to investigate a maltreated child’s family. Twenty-five-month counseling diaries and transcripts of two in-depth interviews after counseling termination were used to analyze characteristics of the family. The results of this study were as following: First, the pattern of interaction in this family demonstrated the transmission of family violence from generation to generation and the process of violent transmission. Second, the psychological characteristics of the family members presented factors of abuse and factors of transmission of family violence from generation to generation. However, this study found that once there were positive supportive factors existed in a battered child’s family environment, those factors could be the starting point for this family to end the vicious circle of domestic violence. According to the findings, this study also provided further suggestions for social worker practitioners and social
policy makers.

