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篇名 小規模家樣型失智症特別照護單位之環境特色—以歐洲國家經驗為例
卷期 38
並列篇名 Environmental characters of small and homelike special care unit for dementia:the experience of European countries
作者 郭姵伶曾淑芬陳惠芳顏童文李宗潔
頁次 647-658
關鍵字 小規模家樣照護環境失智症特別照護單位small scalehomelikecare environmentdementiaspecial care unit
出刊日期 201212


回顧方式,整理出歐洲國家在小型家樣式失智症照護單位的環境特色,以作為我國未來改進失智症照護專區計畫的參考。本研究係以PubMed、Medline、Elsevier SDOL、及ProQuest Nursing and Allied HealthSource 等資料庫進行搜尋,主要以1980 年至今以英文發表之研究報告為分析對象,並以「dementia 」、「small unit」、「homelike environment」等關鍵字,針對篇名與摘要進行搜尋,最後在限制研究區域、照護單位特性及家庭式生活環境理念等條件下篩選出大約30 篇研究報告進入分析。本研究文獻整理主要分析失智症照護單位設置、家樣式社會照護環境、失智症住民特性、及照護單位營運成本等環境特色,從歐洲的實施經驗也顯示照護單位給予照顧人員的關懷與培訓是不可少的,以確保照護環境能維持像”家”一樣的生活環境氣氛,本文所分析各國在小規模家樣形的照護環境特色,將有助於我國未來檢討改進相關計畫的參考。


The purpose of this study was to explore the developmental emphasis of dementia care unit in European countries, and to sort out the small and homelike environmental feature of dementia care units as a reference for
improve the program of the special care units program of our country in the future. This article was searched for references with various electronic databases, including PubMed, Medline, Elsevier SDOL, and ProQuest
Nursing and Allied Health Source. English publications from 1980 until 2010 were included in the review.
Search terms included dementia, small unit, homelike environments et al. Articles were screened for relevance based on title and abstract and restrictions the prerequisite to the research region, care unit feature, and home for life concept for the screening. Of which 30 were included in the final selection of publications. This article was analyzed with the environmental feature of dementia care unit setting, homelike social care environment, residents’ characteristics and costs. It also showed the appropriate staff training and education is essential and would be helpful in keep the homelike Atmosphere within the care environment. The Analysis of the national environmental characteristics of European would contribute to future improvement of dementia special care unit program in our country.

