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篇名 舌燦蓮花說秦穆:燭之武與蹇叔辭令技法比較
卷期 38
並列篇名 Persuaded Eloquently Qin Mu:Compare of the Rhetoric Skills between Zhu Zhiwu & Jian Shu
作者 陳昭昭方中士
頁次 697-709
關鍵字 春秋燭之武蹇叔pring and autumn periodQinZhengZhu ZhiwuJian Shu
出刊日期 201212




Through the Spring and Autumn periods, Zhu Zhiwu and Jian Shu were the ministers of repute in Qin, Zheng. Before and after, both tried to lobby Qin Mu. Zuozung, “Zhu Zhiwu successfully repulsed the Qin army”, “Jian Shu cried for the Qin army” such were ingenious classical rhetoric. Trying to
lobby Qin Mu, each had different backgrounds, the basic model s of rhetoric also were not the same.
Zhu Zhiwu urged euphemistically tier making gradual progress, and Jian Shu push to be outspoken drastically. The main spindle of rhetoric skills included ‘touching feelings’, ‘convincing reason’ and ‘being aware of advantages and disadvantages’, but the contents both were all different. Zhu Zhiwu groveling opened the juncture of Qin Mu’s listening, then analyzed the conflict of benefits between Qin and Jin as the theorem of scales. Besides, he argued Qin Mu into gains and losses of Qin over and over, at last , he successfully repulsed the Qin army. On the contrary, Jian Shu held high his head to enrage Qin Mu, though he brought up three difficulties about raiding into Zheng, finally, he spoke of the losses
about Qin and stormed at Qin Mu insisted on raiding into Zheng. It was too bad, he did not mention the law of international, when the country took place national mourning, the other country could not fight it, so Jian Shu failed in tears of old men. Zhu Zhiwu with a silver tongue, did not need to dispatch a single soldier, and successfully repulsed the Qin army. Internal relieving of Zheng the demise crisis, on the outside provoking Qin Mu and Jin Wen hegemony of conflict, could be described as killing two birds with one stone. Therefore, Zhu Zhiwu was a winner in this war. Even though Jian Shu failed, Zuozung “Jian Shu cried for the Qin army”, about loyal courtiers direct advice monarchs, he was a great pattern. Let’s see from the history river, Jian Shu was not a loser, he and Zhu Zhiwu all were the

