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篇名 外側踝關節扭傷運動員的本體感覺與靜態平衡之關聯性
卷期 38:3
並列篇名 Relationship between Ankle Proprioception and Static Balance in Athletes with Recurrent Lateral Ankle Sprain
作者 張曉昀黃經閔林政毅
頁次 228-235
關鍵字 關節位置覺力量覺姿勢控制踝關節傷害運動傷害Joint position senseForce sensePostural controlAnkle injuriesSports injuryTSCI
出刊日期 201309
DOI 10.6215/JFPT.PTS 1367734286


目的:本研究目的是比較反覆性外側踩關節扭傷運動員與健康運動員在力量覺(踱屈肌力/外翻肌力)及關節位置覺(蹠屈/内翻)及平衡能力之間的關聯性。方法:受試者為反覆性外側踝關節扭傷的運動員13名與健康運動員9名。力量覺測驗為受試者以測カ器測得踝關節最大自主等長收縮力量(MVIC)後,以50% MVIC進行小腿踱屈肌與外翻肌肌力重現的評估;關節位置覺以自製踝關節角度評估儀器進行測驗在踱屈及內翻動作上關節角度主動復位的能力;再以閉眼單腳站立姿勢使用測力板測量足壓中心之身體晃動面積與晃動路徑。以獨立樣本T檢定比較踝關節扭傷運動員與健康運動員之力量覺、關節位置覺及平衡能力之差異,並以皮爾遜積差相關分析三者之間的關係。結果:關節位置覺測試中,扭傷者之踱屈關節位置覺角度誤差顯著大於健康者(p<.05),內翻之關節位置覺兩組間並未達顯著差異;在踱屈肌力與外翻肌力力量覺測試中所有的力量覺誤差均以扭傷者大於健康運動員(P<.05);平衡能力測試也是以扭傷者較健康運動員差。另外,關節位置覺與平衡能力均無相關性;而踱屈肌與外翻肌力量覺均與平衡能力達中度相關(r=0.486~0.507; p<.05)。結論:反覆性外側踝關節扭傷運動員在力量覺上明顯弱於健康運動員,且與平衡能力有相關性,未來應加強踱屈及外翻肌群肌肉收縮的力量控制訓練。(物理治療2013;38(3):228-235)


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to understand the relationship among joint position sense (JPS), force sense (FS), and balance for athletes with suffering recurrent lateral ankle sprain. Methods: Nine healthy athletes and 13 athletes with recurrent lateral ankle sprain were participated in this study. Three variables of outcome measures were assessed, included angle and force reproduction for JPS and FS measurement and single-leg standing balance with eye-close, respectively. The angle reproduction measures of plantar flexion and inversion were assessed by self-made ankle goniometry equipment. The force reproduction of 50% maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) was assessed in plantar flexor and evertor by micro FET 2 muscle tester. The body sway area and path length of body sway of center of foot pressure (COP) was measured by force platform in single-leg standing position. Independence T-test was used to analyze the difference of JPS and FS between healthy athletes and athletes with suffering recurrent lateral ankle sprain. Then, the Pearson product-moment correlation was used to analyze the relationship among three variables. Results: The result revealed significantly more angle reproduce error shown in plantar flexion for sprained athletes than healthy athletes; however, no significant difference was found in inversion angle reproduce. Force sense errors measured of plantar flexor and evertor had significantly decreased the accuracy in sprained athletes with compare to healthy athletes (/?<.05). It also showed decreased the balance ability in sprained athletes than healthy athletes. Besides, it was no obvious relationship between JPS and balance; however, FS of plantar flexor and evertor had revealed moderate correlation (r=0.486^0.507). Conclusion:
The recurrent ankle sprained athletes had less accuracy in force control than healthy athletes. It also may influence to balance control. We suggested that the clinicians could strength the force control in ankle proprioceptive training for athletes with suffering recurrent sprained ankles, especially in plantar flexor and evertor. (FJPT 2013;38(3):228-235)
