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篇名 從家暴與性侵害防治政策談刑事護理的發展
卷期 60:6
並列篇名 The Development of Forensic Nursing From the Perspective of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Preventive Policies
作者 謝秀芬王秀紅張淑真
頁次 096-102
關鍵字 刑事刑事護理家庭暴力性侵害criminal lawforensic nursingdomestic violencesexual assaultMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201312
DOI 10.6224/JN.60.6.96




Forensic nursing is a new nursing specialty that provides forensic nursing service to domestic violence victims and offenders. Development of the role of forensic nurses has become urgent and necessary. The high rates of domestic violence and sexual assault in Taiwan suggest that forensic nurses have an important role to play in domestic healthcare. This article highlights the significance of forensic nursing in Taiwan in the future in terms of its origin, definitions, models, roles and functions, training and education, and previous studies. Through cooperation among academia, government, industry, and law enforcement agencies, it is expected that forensic nursing will be a positive and important area of expansion for professional nursing.
