
International Journal of Science and Engineering

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篇名 A Case Study on Designing Dynamic Computerized Learning Materials for Remedial Instructions of Linear Programming
卷期 3:3
並列篇名 線性規劃動態電腦輔助教材設計及其補救教學個案研究
作者 謝哲仁謝佩君
頁次 041-058
關鍵字 文字應用題電腦輔助學習線性規劃word problemscomputer assistant learninglinear programming
出刊日期 201309
DOI 10.6159/IJSE.2013.(3-3).06




This study uses the Microsoft Excel and Geometer’s SketchPad to design dynamic digital materials for learning the linear programming. The design focuses on learning by acting on objects and strengthens the connection between different representations to establish solid mathematical concepts. We choose a student for the remedial program. Before the remedial program, the subject has several misconceptions such as does not understand why the extreme value of linear goal would occur on the boundary points. After the remedial program, the subject establishes correct mathematical concepts and is able to solve the word problem successfully. The result of delayed-test is as good as the post-test, which means the conservation effect of the remedial program is substantively good. After the remedial program, the subject can translate algebraic symbols into real-life situations. This shows the subject has made significant progress on understanding of algebraic symbol and has the ability of translating into multiple representations.
