
東吳中文學報 THCI

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篇名 《史記》敘事之抒情性——以〈刺客列傳〉為核心之探討
卷期 26
並列篇名 Narrative Lyricism of Records of the Grand Historian: A Study of 'Biographies of the Assassins'
作者 黃馨霈
頁次 033-059
關鍵字 史記刺客列傳戰國策敘事抒情知己Records of the Grand HistorianBiographies of the AssassinsIntrigues of the Warring StatesnarrativelyricZhijiTHCI
出刊日期 201311




Lyricism is the most important aspect of the narration in Records of the Grand Historian. Writer Sima Qian expressed his unique "singular vision" and how to make a breakthrough in narrative expression. 'Biographies of the Assassins' is the renowned chapter that represents narrative lyricism in Records of the Grand Historian.
The stories of Yu Rang, Nie Zheng, and Jing Ke are covered by both 'Biographies of the Assassins' and Intrigues of the Warring States. To highlight the narrative lyricism in Records of the Grand Historian, this article compares these stories from the two different books side by side.
The narration of Intrigues of the Warring States focused on historical "events", while the narration of 'Biographies of the Assassins' emphasized the "characters". Sima Qian’s writings not only recorded the historical characters’ achievements and words, but also promoted their fame. Through his writing, these assassins became heroes who sacrificed their own lives for those who really understood them.
"Shi Wei Zhiji Zhe Si" (士為知己者死 means an intellectual would risk his life for those who really understand him. In general, "Shi" (士) signifies intellectuals, and in this article, Shi implies the assassins. "Zhiji" (知) means the individuals who really understand Shi.) Finding Zhiji was a goal that assassins sought to fulfill in their lifetime, which was a theme that repeated in 'Biographies of the Assassins'.
The relationship between Shi and Zhiji was complicated. Although Shi was willing to die for Zhiji, there were situations where Zhiji took advantage of this special relationship to achieve their selfish ambitions, as oppose to really appreciating Shi. At times, the death of a Shi turned out to be a tragedy when it was later revealed that he did not encounter a genuine Zhiji throughout his life. (In other words, Shi thought that he died for a genuine Zhiji, when in fact he was being taken advantage of.)
Fortunately, Shi still had a small number of genuine Zhiji in the world, preventing them from permanent loneliness. Because Sima Qian deeply understood this complex relationship, he was able to present the stories in 'Biographies of the Assassins' in a very touching and vivid way. The combination of lyricism and narrative is what makes the writing style of Records of the Grand Historian very unique.
