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篇名 消費者認知基礎之企業綠品牌形象衡量模式發展
卷期 24:1
並列篇名 A Consumer-Cognition-Based Measurement Model of Corporate Green Brand Image
作者 張愛華洪敘峰
頁次 129-154
關鍵字 綠品牌形象量表發展MIMIC 模型corporate green brand imagescale developmentMIMIC modelScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 201312
DOI 10.6226/NTURM2013.JUN.C08


消費者環保主義已漸成為市場上的主流思維,然而企業綠品牌形象的衡量模式仍有待建立,本研究先應用質化方法探索消費者企業綠品牌形象的潛在反映因素與形成因素,發現前者包括企業綠政策、企業綠識別以及企業環境導向,後者包括產品綠特徵、綠認證、綠推廣活動、綠訂價策略、綠通路規劃以及綠產品特徵等。再利用量化方法以MIMIC(Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes) 模式驗證企業綠品牌形象衡量模式。本研究並利用兩家企業及代表性品牌產品進行實證,確認此衡量模式具備適當的信、效度與區辨力。


In recent years, green consumerism has become a major force in consumer market. A company with green brand image may create favorable opportunities to increase consumer purchase intention and behavior. This study uses a mixed method to develop a measurement model of corporate green brand image. A qualitative method is first used to find the major factors of corporate green brand image, which comprises reflective factors and formative factors. The former includes corporate green policy, corporate green identification, and corporate environmental orientation. The latter includes green product category, green certification, green promotional actions, green pricing strategies, green channel planning, and green product features. Then, a quantitative method is used to verify the corporate green brand image model as a multiple-indicators-multiple-causes (MIMIC) model. The result shows the consumer-cognition-based corporate green brand image model has acceptable reliability and validity. The application of this model also successfully distinguishes between the green brand image of The Body Shop and that of L’oreal.
