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篇名 「微電影」在軍事行銷傳播運用的初探性研究
卷期 103
並列篇名 A Preliminary Study of the Application of Micro-Film in Military Marketing Communication
作者 胡光夏陳竹梅
頁次 001-024
關鍵字 微電影微電影廣告軍事行銷傳播故事行銷品牌娛樂Micro-filmMicro commercial filmMilitary marketing communicationStorytelling marketingBranded entertainment
出刊日期 201312


本研究計有五個單元:前言;微電影概念的源起、興起的背景、定義與類型、特色;微電影 的行銷傳播理論基礎;微電影在軍事行銷傳播的運用;結論。


This paper is a preliminary study of the application of micro-film in military marketing communication. By using the documentary research method, this study is intended to explore the origin, the definition, the types and characteristics of micro-film, to review the main theoretical foundations of micro-film in marketing communication, and to examine the application of micro-film in military marketing communication.
The term of micro-film is from mainland China and gradually becomes one of popular tools of marketing communication. Micro-film is the convergence of traditional media and new media, having the characteristics of para-movie style, short and concise story, the diversity of communication channel, sharing and virus communication, and entertainment and experiencing marketing.
This study makes some suggestions of application of micro-film in military communication, including the total national defense, the recruit, the military education, and images of military, etc. In addition, a couple of communication channels can be used for micro-film, such as portal websites, social media, traditional television, and variety of military internet websites.
Micro-film is still in its initial stage and for the advertisers’ uses. In the future, micro-film may need to build the pay-per view system for the long-term development.
This paper is divided into five parts, including the introduction; the origin, the development context, the definition, types and characteristics of micro-film concept; the theoretical foundation of micro-film in marketing communication; the application of micro-film in military marketing communication; and conclusion.
