
農業經濟叢刊 TSSCI

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篇名 台北市民眾有機米產區地方意象及品牌權益關聯性探討
卷期 19:1
並列篇名 An Investigation on the Correlation oi Production Region’s Place Image and Brand Equity for the Organic Rice in the Case of Taipei City Residents
作者 鍾依軒胡明哲黃麗君
頁次 129-163
關鍵字 地方品牌地方意象有機農業農產品行銷典型相關Place BrandPlace ImageOrganic AgricultureAgriculture MarketingCanonical Correlation AnalysisTSCITSSCI
出刊日期 201312
DOI 10.6196/TAER.2013.19.1.4




Place reveals the characteristics of history, culture and residents1 living, and thus is as distinguishable and unique as a brand. Place branding has been empirically applied in the marketing of agricultural products, but the efficiency and the operation strategy for applying place branding to market domestic agricultural products has been ignored from the academic research. With the case of organic rice produced from Hualien region, this study was intended to evaluate the feasibility of applying place branding to market domestic agriculture products. By a consumer survey, 404 valid questionnaires were gained with a sampling strategy that four administration regions were selected randomly and then specialty stores for organic foods were selected purposely from each selected administration region. The statistical results of canonical correlation analysis revealed that the place image of the agriculture production region was positively related to the brand equality of its agricultural products, with a canonical correlation coefficient of 0.559 between these two variables, i.e. the place image explained 31.2% of the variance of the brand equality for the agriculture products. The statistical results of multiple regression analysis revealed that local industrial image and emotional image were the main factors of a place image that influences the brand equality of the agricultural products. In sum, the study results support the practicality of promoting domestic local agriculture products with place branding.
