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篇名 周瘦鵑與紫羅蘭――文本建構與民國時期愛情、婚姻與家庭
卷期 10
並列篇名 Zhou Shoujuan 周瘦鵑and Violet: Textual Formation and Love, Marriage and Family in the Republican Era
作者 陳建華
頁次 253-285
關鍵字 周瘦鵑紫羅蘭民國時期愛情婚姻家庭Zhou ShoujuanVioletthe Republican eralovemarriagefamilyTHCI
出刊日期 201312




Although Zhou Shoujuan’s 周痩鵑 claim that most of his literary works expressed an endless longing for his first lover “Violet” sounds exaggerated, it provides us with a key to understanding Zhou’s life and literary world. Indeed, several decades after the establishment of the Republican state, allusions to Violet appeared regularly in his fiction and the magazine The Violet, in both autobiographical references and literary stories. Through an analysis of texts that depict a complex of violets and Violet, this article reveals the predicament Zhou experienced with regards to love, marriage, and family. The absence of Violet’s real name in Zhou’s narratives tells how his desire was restrained by law, social norms, and his own personality. In addition, the fragments about Violet can help us piece together the portrait of a woman who bravely pursued her independent Self through an emotional journey.
