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篇名 臺灣混農林業政策規劃及可行性探討
卷期 25:4=274
並列篇名 The Feasibility Study of Agroforestry Policy Formulation in Taiwan
作者 黃裕星黃瓊王彪吳俊賢王培蓉
頁次 235-247
關鍵字 混農林業濫墾地政策規劃agroforestrycultivated forestlandpolicy formulation
出刊日期 201112




Transforming woodland into cultivated land has been one of important issues of leased national forestlands. Nevertheless, it has been recognized that applying agroforestry approach on marginal land could improve biodiversity, increase carbon sequestration and benefit food safety. For reducing the potential risk of environmental damage and securing landowners5 economic revenue, agroforestry could be considered as an option of land use to cope with climate change and extreme environmental events through the policy development of legal protection, technical regulations, and efficient economic incentives.
In this study, three principles, three strategies and three timetable schemes are suggested for agroforestry policy formulation. First, agroforestry shall meet three principles, conserving environment, developing management model with the consideration of farmers’ livelihood, and looking for multiple benefits regarding production, ecosystem services and quality of life. Next, the three strategies include compensated land return, postponed return, and agroforestry approach, are applied to forest landowners according to land management types. Finally, short-, medium- and long-term planning directions of agroforestry policy, legislation and administration are proposed to decision makers.
