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篇名 森林環境中種植茶樹時農藥施用後擴散情形研究
卷期 25:4=274
並列篇名 The Distribution of Pesticides in Tea Garden Surround by Forest
作者 李志展吳昀軒黃玉如陳炳勝劉建良顏瑞泓
頁次 263-272
關鍵字 混農林業農藥殘留茶園mixed farming and forestrypesticide residuetea garden
出刊日期 201112




The changes of Forestry policy were accompanying the evolution of society and culture in Taiwan. Owing to timber price were cutting, some foresters are giving up the afforestation and switching to cultivate the high value crops. So mixed farming and forestry is becoming increasingly prevalent. But the impact of conventional agriculture on the forest ecology is unknown. In this study, we were trying to understand the drift of pesticides in tea garden surround by forest. We detected the pesticide residues in plants which were sampled from the tea garden and its surrounds. From the result, most pesticides resides are synthetized pyrethrin insecticides and conazole type fungicides. Pyrethrin is a type of high fish toxicity insecticides. The effect of these pesticides on the aquarium ecosystem in forest should be paid more concern if it were spread from tea garden to the forest. Some conazole type fungicides were suspected to be environment hormone because it 1,2,4-triazole chemical structure. It has estrogen activity could disrupt animal endocrine system. A long term monitoring the impact of pesticide on the ecosystem is necessary if the mixed farming and forestry could be avoided.
