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篇名 紅心和黑心柳杉木材耐腐朽性之比較
卷期 26:1=275
並列篇名 A Comparison of Fungal Decay Resistance between Red and Black Heartwood-type Cryptomeria japonica Wood
作者 鄭森松莊閔傑林群雅陳育涵王亞男張上鎮
頁次 001-017
關鍵字 黑色心材柳杉精油耐腐朽性甲醇抽出物紅色心材Black heartwood-typeCryptomeria japonicaEssential oilFungal decay resistanceMethanolic extractRed heartwood-type
出刊日期 201203


本研究目的係比較黑心及紅心柳杉(Cryptomeria japonica)心材和邊材之化學成分與而寸腐朽性的差異。試驗結果得知,黑心柳杉之心材精油和甲醇抽出物的收率最高,而黑心柳杉之邊材精油和甲醇抽出物之收率最低。另外,利用GC-FID和GC-MS分析鑑定黑心及紅心柳杉之心材和邊材精油成分,結果得知黑心柳杉之心材和邊材精油之主成分分別以倍半萜類碳氫化合物Y -Cadinene和ニ萜類含氧化合物Ferruginol為主;紅心柳杉之心材和邊材精油之主成分分別以倍半萜類含氧化合物Cubebol和冷-Eudesmol為主。其主成分經由PCA分析和群集分析結果得知,黑心柳杉之心材和邊材與紅心柳杉之心材和邊材精油成分的確有差異。而黑心柳杉之心材和邊材與紅心柳杉之心材和邊材木塊進行90天腐朽試驗後得知,黑心和紅心柳杉之心材木塊的耐腐朽性較佳,且其二者的耐腐性並無差異(P < 0.05)。另外,比較黑心與紅心柳杉之心材和邊材精油及甲醇抽出物對2種木材腐朽菌之抑制效果,以黑心和紅心柳杉之心材精油的抑菌效果最好。綜合上述結果得知,黑心及紅心柳杉之心材和邊材造林木的精油含量和化學成分均不相同,但黑心和紅心柳杉之心材之耐腐朽性並無差異性。


In this study the fungal decay resistance and chemical composition between red and black heartwood-type of Cryptomeria japonica wood were compared. The results show that the yields of heartwood essential oils or methanolic extracts of black and red heartwood-type C. japonica are higher than those of sapwood essential oils or methanolic extracts of black and red heartwood-type し.japonica. In addition, GC-FID and GC-MS analyses indicate that the major compounds of heartwood and sapwood essential oils of black heartwood-type C. japonica are y-cadinene (sesquiterpene hydrocarbon compound) and ferruginol (oxygenated diterpene compound); while those of heartwood and sapwood essential oils of red heartwood-type C. japonica are cubebol and P-eudesmol (oxygenated sesquiterpene compound), respectively. Moreover, these species are clearly differentiated according to the results of CA and PCA. Decay resistance test after 90 days has demonstrated that the heartwood of red and black heartwood-type C. japonica displays good resistance against wood-decay fungi, and Scheffe’s test shows no significant differences in fungal decay resistance between red and black heartwood-type C.japonica. Therefore, essential oils of two-type し.japonica heartwood have strong antifungal activities against Lenzites betulina and Laetiporus sulphureus. In conclusion, the findings suggest that the content and chemical composition of both essential oil and methanolic extract are different between red and black heartwood-type C. japonica, but their fungal decay resistance was no difference.
