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篇名 南投縣鹿谷鄉校園木本植栽現況調查及分析
卷期 26:1=275
並列篇名 Investigation and Analysis on Campus Plants at Lu-Gu Township, Nantou County
作者 楊智凱王亞男黃憶汝邱岳瑩陳陽發劉威廷
頁次 019-036
關鍵字 南投縣鹿谷鄉木本植物校園植物原生植物引進栽培植物Nantou countyLu-Gu TownshipWoody plantsCampus plantNative speciesCultivated species
出刊日期 201203




The study aims to investigate campus plants of elementary schools in Lu-Gu Township,Nanotu County that contributes to environmental education and conservation. Field survey was conducted at 11 schools in Lu-Gu and found 246 species of 76 families in the campus. There are 5,102 trees in total and 463 trees per school. Gwang Sing elementary school has the most woody plant species (99 species) and Ruei Tian elementary School has the lowest woody plant species number of 30. The top ten common trees are Prunus campanulata, Juniperus chinensis var. kaizuka, Calocedrus formosana, Ficus microcarpa, Cunninghamia lanceolata, Koelreuteria henryi,Liquidambar formosana,Roystonea regia, Cinnamomum camphora and Thuja onentalis.
