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篇名 彩染網路社群創新服務設計之研究
卷期 9:1
並列篇名 Innovative Service Design of Hair Colors Social Network
作者 林淑萍楊元康蕭淑玲楊仁達
頁次 017-026
關鍵字 彩染網路社群創新服務設計服務體驗工程品質機能展開hair colorssocial network communityinnovative service designservice experience engineeringquality function deployment
出刊日期 201401


本研究採用服務體驗工程的概念,藉由問卷調查方式瞭解年輕族群對彩染市場採用部落格行銷或社群網路行銷時,影響其消費態度與消費行為之主要服務需求因子,並進而藉由專家訪談及焦點群體座談方式,利用品質機能展開模式(QFD)找出符合彩染市場採用部落格行銷或社群網路行銷時相對應的可行策略方案。研究結果顯示,消費者對彩染市場採用部落格行銷或網路社群行銷時,影響其消費態度與消費行為之服務需求因子包含「資訊可靠性」、「社群分享」、「促銷與評價」、「資訊充分與便利性」、「管理者專業能力」及「網站吸引力」。其中以「資訊充分與便利性」、「資訊可靠性」及「管理者專業能力」最為重要。根據此消費者需求及QFD 研究結果顯示,彩染業者欲建置社群網站之主要服務規劃之首要策略為「聘請染髮專家為社群管理者」,其次為「建置染髮學苑」、「建置染髮圖書館」;再者為「定期舉辦染髮相關作品分享競賽」及「定期進行網路促銷」,最後可考慮「聘請知名流行名人為一日社長」。


This study aims to utilize the concept of Service Experience Engineering and the survey of questionnaire to understand young consumers’ attitude and behavior toward the hair-color market through blog or social network marketing as well as to explore key factors of service demand in affecting attitude and behavior among them. Then, based on the results achieved from expert interview and focus group discussions, the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method was employed to identify the most feasible strategies which are capable to enhance consumers’ use of hair colors through the assistance of blog and social network marketing. The initial results showed that among key service demand factors obtained: “information reliability”, “community sharing”, “promotion and evaluation”, “sufficient information and convenience”, “professional management competence”, and “website attractiveness”, the top three
important factors were “sufficient information and convenience”, “information reliability”, and “professional management competence”. Finally, according to the key customer demand factors analyzed, the QFD results implied the hair-color industry should focus on the primary strategies such as “hiring hair-dyeing professionals as social network managers”, the first one, “building up hair-dyeing school and library”, the second, “holding regular hair-dyeing workshop or competitions”, the third, “promoting to periodic network marketing”, the fourth, and the last “inviting well-known celebrities to be representatives” in attempting to improve social network service for hair colors dyeing.
