
臺中教育大學學報. 教育類

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篇名 私立課後照顧機構教師轉化領導行為、班級經營策略與班級經營效能關係之研究:中介效果模式檢證
卷期 27:2
並列篇名 A Study on the Relationships among After-school Teachers' Transformational Leadership, Classroom Management Strategy, and Classroom Management Effectiveness: A Test of the Mediated-effects Model
作者 曾榮祥張家瑜
頁次 077-104
關鍵字 課後照顧教師轉化領導班級經營策略班級經營效能結構方程模式After-School Child CareTeachers' Transformational LeadershipClassroom Management StrategyClassroom Management EffectivenessStructural Equation Modeling
出刊日期 201312


本研究根據相關文獻與實證研究,建構一個理論模型,納入私立課後照顧機構教師之轉化領導行為、班級經營策略與班級經營效能等變項,藉以探究私立課後照顧機構教師轉化領導模式。研究對象採取調查研究法,自編「私立課後照顧機構教師班級領導行為描述問卷」,以北部地區就讀於私立課後照顧機構的學童為研究的施測對象,依據研究目的,以t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、Pearson 積差相關及結構方程模式等統計方法,檢驗本研究之相關假設與理論模式。研究結果有七項發現:一、課後照顧教師轉化領導行為最常運用的是「激勵」,最少運用的是「個別化關懷」;二、課後照顧教師班級經營略以「學習輔導策略」最常運用,「人際關係策略」最少運用;三、課後照顧教師班級經營效能以「教師教學品質」最高,「生活適應成效」最低;四、不同性別之學童知覺教師轉化領導行為、班級經營策略與效能皆無顯著差異;五、中年級課後照顧學童知覺教師轉化領導行為、班級經營策略與班級經營效能皆高於高年級學童;六、課後照顧教師轉化領導行為、班級經營策略與班級經營效能等三者具有正相關存在;七、課後照顧教師轉化領導行為會透過班級經營策略的中介作用間接影響班級經營效能,且屬於完全中介效果。


The main purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between after-school teachers' transformational leadership, classroom management strategy, and classroom management effectiveness. The study employed questionnaire survey method to gather the research data. The major instrument "The Description Questionnaire of the After-school Teachers' Class Leadership" was designed to collect data. A sample of children of the afterschool child care centers in Northern Taiwan was generated and returned data were analyzed through t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis, and structural equation modeling. The results were summarized as follows: 1. The after-school teachers often used inspiration, but they seldom used individualized consideration. 2. The after-school teachers often used study consulting strategy, but they seldom used interpersonal consulting strategy. 3. The teachingquality effectiveness revealed to have the best outcome, and the Life-adaption effectiveness revealed to have the lowest outcome. 4. There was no significant differences among the sex of children for their after-school teachers' transformational leadership, classroom management strategy, and classroom management effectiveness. 5. Significant differences existed among the grade of children for teachers' after-school teachers' transformational leadership and classroom management strategy. 6. There was significant relationship among after-school teachers' transformational leadership, classroom management strategy and classroom management effectiveness. 7. Also, the classroom strategy had the significant mediated effects on after-school teacher transformational leadership and classroom management effectiveness.
