
Hwa Kang English Journal

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篇名 Two Decades of Changes in the English Ability of Freshmen at a University in Taiwan
卷期 19
並列篇名 近二十年來臺灣大一新生英語能力之變遷:以某私立大學為例
作者 幸雅各劉正
頁次 023-051
關鍵字 英語能力的轉變英文分班測驗文法閱讀聽力Changes in English abilityPlacement examGrammarReadingListening
出刊日期 201312
DOI 10.3966/221880882013121901002




Over the last two decades there have been numerous changes in Taiwan to make English education more communicative and meaningful. However, few studies have investigated possible changes in the English ability of university freshmen. This study identified changes in the English ability of freshmen at a Taiwanese university from 1998-2010. Each year, approximately 3,000 students were administered the same language exams. ANOVA was used for a year-by-year comparison of mean scores for grammar, reading, and listening. The results indicate that listening scores increased significantly across the 12 years, while students’ grammar and reading scores initially showed a tendency to decline. These declines in grammar and reading scores tapered off during the last five years. The year-to-year improvements in listening scores indicate that efforts to improve listening ability in Taiwan may be paying dividends.
