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篇名 以康丁斯基抽象繪畫理論探討李伯元作品的繪畫性
卷期 93
並列篇名 Exploring the Pictoriality of Li Po-Yen's Work through Kandinsky's Theory of Abstract Painting
作者 姜麗華
頁次 73-97
關鍵字 李伯元康丁斯基抽象繪畫繪畫性Li, Po-yenWassily KandinskyAbstract paintingPictorialityTHCI
出刊日期 201310




This paper, through Kandinsky’s Theory of Abstract Painting, explores the pictoriality in Li Po-Yen’s work during the period of 1992-2005. It uses Kandinsky’s definition and analysis of point, line, and plane to expound the color characteristics and the expression’s implicit meanings in Li’s works. Through mapping how Li feels about color and the symbolism he assigns to objects to Kandinsky’s concept of color and shape, a set of painting vocabularies that uniquely belongs to Li – is created.
Kandinsky believes that the “internal needs” free artist’s internal voices. This voice is a formidable spiritual power; consequently, as an observer looking at abstract works, those destructions on external shapes and colors should not be regarded as “imperfect” or “unclear” visual information – instead, should be treated as an artist’s attempt to express the implicit inner self. Artists metaphorically transform the enlightenment and insights gained from contemplated experiences with the subject matters into expressive works stressing these artifacts’ internal experience and spirituality. Being a long-time Buddhist, Li deliberately distances from the external shapes, forms, and colors of the subject matter, and subjectively displays the unchanging internal substances of the relevant time, people, and events. His works are no longer only an imitation of the explicit externality of the objective world, but a reflection of the voices and spirituality of the internality of the artist’s subjective self. Furthermore, Li believes that the concentration in the process of painting in itself is a cultivation of spirituality, and he applies a free-will/free-form, incidental, and goalless approach to the painting process, displaying an abstract form of such spiritual cultivation with a content that is full of child-like and Zen-like, in hope that his audiences would “cease thoughts that run wild” and “let go” perspectives of a materialistic world, and arrive at the One World of “knowing yourself as the salvation and a Buddha” and “we are one.”
