
中山管理評論 TSSCI

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篇名 科技政策資訊品質評選架構
卷期 20:3
並列篇名 An Evaluation Framework for Information Quality of Science and Technology Policy
作者 朱斌妤高偲凱
頁次 811-849
關鍵字 科技決策支援智庫層級分析法Science and Technology Decision SupportThink TankAnalytical Hierarchy ProcessTSSCI
出刊日期 201209


科技發展可為產業創造出龐大經濟利益,提升人民生活水平,同時影響國家的競爭力,是以各國政府多會透過對國際重要科技政策與資訊的蒐集與解析,期強化自身科技政策品質。由於國際科技政策與資訊眾多,資訊供給者如何評選出符合資訊需求者所需的資訊,相關科技型智庫在資訊蒐集與政策擬定上扮演重要角色。本研究透過文獻探討、專家訪談以及運用層級分析法(Analytical Hierarchy Process, AHP)建構科技政策資訊評選架構,同時比較國內科技政策決策單位、智庫以及學界專家對於該評選指標權重的差異,並審視相關智庫所產出的科技資訊情報是否具備指標性,最後提出整體政策建議。


Science and technology drive economic growth and the prosperity and
competitiveness of nations. To improve policy quality, many countries engage in information collection and analysis of science and technology policies and strategies worldwide. Due to the massive quantity of information which needs to be searched and analyzed, think tanks play an important role in providing useful information for policy decision-makers. Based on literature, in-depth interviews, and the method of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), we propose a theoretical structure to compare subjective expert judgments made by policy decision-makers, researchers of think tanks, and academic scholars, and then evaluate the technology information quality provided by think tanks. Policy implications are further discussed.
