
中山管理評論 TSSCI

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篇名 正向情緒與誘餌效應對消費者決策行為的影響
卷期 21:4
並列篇名 Investigating The Interaction Between Positive Emotion And Decoy Effect on Consumer Decision Making
作者 黃瑜峰陳韋婷郭峰淵
頁次 743-767
關鍵字 誘餌效應正向情緒決策消費行為Decoy effectpositive emotiondecision makingconsumer behaviorTSSCI
出刊日期 201312


在今日,網路購物已成為重要銷售管道。研究指出網路商家可以利用決策偏誤(decision bias)以減少理性消費行為,例如利用誘餌效應改變消費偏好;研究亦指出商家可利用網站設計技巧(如動畫)誘發消費者正向情緒以增加衝動性消費。然而,正向情緒如何作用於誘餌效應卻尚無實證研究。本研究設計一實驗,使一部份受測者接受正向情緒促發,另一部份則無,並檢視情緒促發對認知心力(決策時間)與誘餌效應的作用。結果發現,不論有無接受促發,誘餌效應均達顯著,然而相較於無促發的受測者,接受情緒促發的受測者誘餌效應更為明顯。此外,相較於無促發的受測者而言,接受情緒促發的受測者決策時間顯著較短。此結果指出,消費者在受到情緒影響時,對決策問題投入較少思慮,因而更容易落入決策偏誤。


Electronic commerce has become an important marketplace in today’s digital
economy and, therefore, it is critical to examine online shoppers’ decision
behaviors. Studies have shown that websites can exploit decision biases such as the decoy effect to bias shoppers’ product preference, and can induce shoppers’ positive emotions using website design techniques to impede their decision deliberateness. However, whether and how positive emotions can affect the decoy effect has not been examined in the context of electronic commerce. In this study, the presence of decoy and positive emotion were manipulated and subjects’ decision time and choice behavior of forced choice tasks were recorded. Results showed that the decoy effect was evident regardless of positive emotion manipulation. Moreover, compared with the subjects who did not receive emotion manipulation, subjects who received emotion manipulation revealed greater decoy effect. Also, positive emotion manipulation decreased subjects’ decision time. Our study suggests that positive emotion decreases consumers’ decision deliberateness and therefore strengthens the decoy effect.
