
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 群體層次教師組織公民行為、教師彰權益能與學校效能關係之研究
卷期 37:1
並列篇名 Exploring the Relationships Among Group-Level Teacher Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Teacher Empowerment, and School Effectiveness in Junior High Schools
作者 秦夢群吳勁甫簡瑋成
頁次 001-035
關鍵字 群體層次教師組織公民行為教師彰權益能學校效能多層次中介group-level teacher organizational citizenship behaviorschool effectivenessteacher empowermentmultilevel mediationTSSCI
出刊日期 201403
DOI 10.3966/102498852014033701001




Results drawn from earlier researches support organizational citizenship behavior of teachers exercise a measurable effect on school effectiveness. However, the conceptual and methodological tools have created primarily based on the individual level. Also, the use of directed-effects model does not resolve the most important theoretical issues concerning the means by which organizational citizenship behavior of teachers achieve an impact on school effectiveness and how contextual forces influence the exercise of teacher empowerment in the schoolhouse. Using the multilevel structural equation modeling (MSEM), this study first reconstructed and validated the Group-level Teacher Organizational Citizenship Behavior Scale followed by an investigation of the relationship between group-level teacher organizational citizenship behavior and school effectiveness mediated by the condition of teacher empowerment. Three related survey and questionnaire were used to measure the major variables while data collected from a random sample of teachers of junior high schools. The results of the study indicated that group-level teacher organizational citizenship behavior directly enhanced school effectiveness in Taiwanese junior high schools. Also, tested by the multilevel mediation model, it was found that group-level teacher organizational citizenship behavior had significant indirect effects on school effectiveness mediated by the variable of teacher empowerment.
