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篇名 膠原仿生牙周再生膜之微觀及物理性質
卷期 8:3
並列篇名 Microscopic Structure & Physical Property of Bio-Mimetic Collagen Membrane
作者 林國義林穎志楊文志王振穎
頁次 004-010
關鍵字 仿生膠原薄膜引導組織再生術微觀結構biomimetic collagen membraneguided tissue regenerationmicroscopic structure
出刊日期 201312


現今發展的可降解再生膜(仿生薄膜),已不同於傳統膠原蛋白再生膜之純化處理後再塑型方法,而以活體組織進行酵素處理,去除活體組織中的細胞及殘留抗原,來保留此膠原仿生薄膜原有活性蛋白來加速癒合過程;此外,此類保有原始完整細胞外間質結構之仿生薄膜,在實際手術施術操作上,也含有較佳之機械操作強度。本篇文章嘗試對膠原仿生薄膜是否有潛力運用於引導組織再生手術進行初步評估。 ( J. Family Dent. 8(3): 4-10, 2013 )


The biodegradable membrane we developed today is unlike the purified collagen membranes in the past. The biomimetic membrane of new generation uses enzyme to remove the cells and antigens in living tissue and keep the active proteins supporting the healing process. Besides, this kind of biomimetic membrane, which is with the natural intact extracellular matrix, normally has better mechanical strength than traditional collagen membrane. This article attempt to evaluate the Horien biomimetic membranes which may have potential for guided tissue regeneration. ( J. Family Dent. 8(3): 4-10, 2013 )
