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篇名 牙周、矯正、植牙及復的整合性治療 – 病例報告
卷期 8:3
並列篇名 Integrated Treatment Combine Periodontics,Orthodontics, Implant and Restorative Dentistry– A Case Report
作者 蔡詠斌傅柏松李坤宗
頁次 011-019
關鍵字 牙科焦慮矯正植牙全瓷冠dental anxietyorthodonticimplantall-ceramic crown
出刊日期 201312


對牙科感到焦慮的患者,通常對牙科有負面的印象,這種不悅感可能源自於過去不良的牙科經驗,或受親友與媒體的影響。相較於對牙科感到低焦慮的患者,高度牙科焦慮的患者於治療時會有較多不愉快且較不願接受常規治療。本文敘述一34歲有高度牙科焦慮女性患者,在接受初期矯正治療後其恐懼感減低,並改善對牙科治療的態度。於後續含蓋牙周、植牙及復的協同治療中,患者展現高度配合及信心。經由此全口重建達成患者滿意之美觀與功能治療結果。 (J. Family Dent. 8(3): 11-19, 2013)


A patient with dental anxiety usually has negative impression in dentistry. This unpleasant feeling may origin from past bad dental experience or influences of relatives, close friends, and the mass media. Compared to patients with low dental anxiety, patients with high dental anxiety may feel more unpleasantness during treatment and be more reluctant to receive routine treatment. This article describes a 34 year-old female with high dental anxiety, who had reduced fear and improved attitude toward dental
treatment after initial orthodontic treatment. In the following treatment combing periodontics, implant and restorative therapies, the patient demonstrated high degree of cooperation and confidence. The full mouth
rehabilitation achieved esthetic and functional treatment outcomes, which satisfied the patient. (J. Family Dent. 8(3): 11-19, 2013)
