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篇名 貝賽特氏病活化後引發蜂窩組織炎:病例報告
卷期 8:3
並列篇名 Cellulitis from Behçet's Disease Activation:A Case Report
作者 宋承恩吳契璁張婷菡蔡百泰謝義興陳元武
頁次 029-036
關鍵字 Behçet’s diseasedental treatmentoral hygieneoral aphthous ulcers貝賽特氏病牙科治療口腔衛生口腔潰瘍
出刊日期 201312


貝賽特氏病是原因不明的多系統發炎疾病,主要症狀有口腔潰瘍、生殖器潰瘍、皮膚病灶、和眼睛發炎。本病例是一個非齒源性蜂窩組織炎,導因嚴重口腔潰瘍的感染,其潰瘍是貝賽特氏病急性發作所引起的。血液檢查發現白血球、C-反應蛋白、紅血球沉降率均顯著上升,符合臨床之嚴重感染和發炎反應。住院治療期間施予抗生素、抗發炎藥物與支持性治療,症狀於5天內緩解。出院三周後,病人口腔潰瘍復發,並在生殖器出現潰瘍,持續施予藥物治療與口腔清潔維護。本病例提供臨床治療經驗,顯示貝賽特氏病不能僅僅依賴藥物治療,更需要密切控制疾病活化,而口腔衛生之維護和常規牙科治療應是避免貝賽特氏病活化的重要一環。(J. Family Dent. 8(3): 29-36, 2013)


Behçet's disease (BD) is a multisystem inflammatory disease of unknown etiology characterized by chronic recurrent oral aphthous ulcers, genital ulcerations, skin lesions, and eye involvement. Here, we report a case with severe oral aphthous ulcers and face and neck infection resulting from Behçet’s disease (BD) activation. Elevated white blood corpuscles count, C reactive protein, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate were consistent with severe infection and inflammatory response. We provided antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, and supportive treatments, and the condition subsided in 5 days. However, after 3 weeks, oral aphthous ulcers relapsed and ulceration appeared in the patient’s genital organ. To our knowledge, this is the first case reporting oral aphthous ulcers from BD activation inducing further severe inflammation and infection. This case also revealed that the treatment and control of BD does not merely rely on medical treatment but also on daily control of the disease activation. The daily oral hygiene care and dental treatments may be one of the important daily practices to prevent disease activation in such patients. (J. Family Dent. 8(3): 29-36, 2013)
