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篇名 政治大學通識課程改革理念與實務
卷期 240
並列篇名 Ideas and Practices of General Education Curriculum Reform at National Chengchi University
作者 陳幼慧
頁次 057-078
關鍵字 核心課程國立政治大學通識教育課程改革core courseNational Chengchi Universitygeneral Educationcurriculum reform
出刊日期 201404
DOI 10.3966/168063602014040240004




In the wake of globalization, the knowledge-based economy is ushering in a new model of global competition. Institutions of higher education around the world are coping with this trend by actively promoting students and faculty in interdisciplinary studies. This wave of reform in higher education, National Chengchi University combined with the building of a Curriculum Map and Curriculum Reform in order to enhance students’ future competitiveness. The general education theory is various, this research is by explaining core course meaning and its structure as the beginning, analyze Chicago University, Harvard University, etc. and further to demonstrate the process and idea of Curriculum Reform at National Chengchi University.
