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篇名 屬性層級模式在評價咖啡業服務品質中的應用
卷期 3:1
並列篇名 Attribute Hierarchical Model in Evaluation of Coffee Service Quality with Application
作者 郭信霖
頁次 120-126
關鍵字 屬性層級模式服務品質判斷矩陣Attribute Hierarchical Model Service Qualityjudgment matrix
出刊日期 201403
DOI 10.6285/MIC.3(1).08


本文通過屬性層級模式(Attribute Hierarchical Model, AHM)原理,根據郭信霖(2012)文獻探討、專家訪談及咖啡業經營型態等資料,經修正後歸納出三項評估構面與其相關之十一項評估準則,運用屬性層級模型(AHM),針對連鎖咖啡館的服務品質做問卷調查,綜合各位專家的意見,得到在總目標下各個構面間的兩兩比較判斷矩陣,計算出各評估準則之相對權重,分析各層級與整體層級權重方式,透過客觀的數據分析,給出業者綜合素質的評判等級標準。


In this paper attempts to construct the critical factors in evaluating all aspects of the coffee industry based on the literature review, the suggestions of the experts, we summarized three main aspects and eleven criteria, to measure the concept of service for the coffee shop chain quality questionnaire. And then, attempts to employ the integration experts judgment matrix method of the attribute hierarchical model (AHM), and to establish a set of overall evaluation model of the service quality of the coffee industry, and also provide a vastly improved foundation to the contributors and to provides customer information based on evaluation aspects and the weight of criteria in the evaluation frame, given the industry the overall quality of evaluation and grading standards.
