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篇名 影響全國職場哺(集)乳室設置之相關因素探討
卷期 44
並列篇名 Factors Influencing the Establishment of Breastfeeding Room in Workplaces
作者 李婉萍蘇貞瑛陳瑞娥黃美惠謝春滿
頁次 001-014
關鍵字 哺(集)乳室母乳哺育哺乳親善職場Breastfeeding roomBreastfeedingBreastfeeding-friendly workplaces
出刊日期 201403




Background and purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors influencing the establishment of breastfeeding room in workplaces. Methods: This study was a cross-sectional design study. Data were collected from a structured questionnaires survey in 732 workplaces selected by stratified sampling and 329 valid questionnaires of the managers were finally collected. Results: (1)There were significant differences in education levels of managers, number of employers, company profits and the existence of health unit between establishment of breastfeeding room in workplaces. (2) There were significant differences in the manager's knowledge of government breastfeeding policies, attitudes towards breastfeeding and knowledge of breastfeeding between establishment of breastfeeding room in workplaces. (3) The main reasons of not having established breastfeeding rooms were "no significant demand of a breastfeeding room" (64.2%), and "no space for a breastfeeding room"(38.0%), and difficult to find the location (29.2%) (4)the main significant factors influencing the establishment of breastfeeding rooms in workplaces were the number of employers, the existence of health unit, and managers' perceptions of the importance of breastfeeding room. Conclusion: The government needs to emphasize the benefit of breastfeeding in workplaces, and to suggest research evidence of encouraging female employers breastfeed can reduce company cost. In addition, the government can develop the separate "breastfeeding friendly certificate" to encourage the establishment of breastfeeding room in workplaces in order to increase the rate of breastfeeding facilities in Taiwan.
