
都市與計劃 TSSCI

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篇名 都市街道景觀封閉感之研究
卷期 41:1
並列篇名 Enclosure of City Streetscapes
作者 陳映均林晏州
頁次 099-115
關鍵字 街道空間性質人為設施物植物行道樹StreetSpace characterMan-made structuresPlantsStreet treesTSSCI
出刊日期 201403




This study investigates the relationships among space characters (base plane, overhead,and verticals) in streets and examines the effect of these characters on enclosure of urban streetenvironments. Streetscape photos in Taipei City, the study site, are used to analyze relationships.The area percentages of sky, man-made structures (buildings), plants, and roads in each photo aremeasured. Streetscape photos are also used to survey perceptions of streetscape enclosures. Analyticalresults show that streetscape sky negatively affects enclosure perceptions and buildings and plantspositively affect enclosure perceptions. Regression analysis results show that the positive effectof man-made structures is almost double the effect of vertical plants on enclosure perceptions. Weconclude that plants in streets have softer space characters than buildings. Study results suggest thatplanting on streets should be encouraged to improve the quality of city street spaces and streetscapes.
