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篇名 一所全客語沉浸式教學幼兒園的探究
卷期 8:1
並列篇名 A Study of a Whole Hakka Language Immersion Preschool
作者 鍾鳳嬌宋文琳王國川
頁次 027-056
關鍵字 全客語沉浸式教學幼兒園教學困境家長態度屏東縣內埔鄉Whole Hakka language immersionPreschoolDifficulties for instructionParental attitudes regarding Hakka immersion programNeipu Township Pingtung County
出刊日期 201403




This study was mainly to investigate a preschool Hakka language immersion
program and the difficulties for the preschool teachers, and to explore the parental attitudes about Hakka language immersion program. This preschool Hakka language immersion program was located in Neipu Township, Pingtung County. Questionnaires and in-depth interviews were adopted. The teachers in the Hakka immersion preschool were interviewed regarding their instruction difficulties for the program. Furthermore, parents in the preschool were asked to fill out the questionnaire regarding the attitude toward the Hakka language immersion program. Results indicated that whole Hakka language immersion program might be successful in preschools. Teachers designing theme courses with Hakka language into play might
stimulate children’s attention and interests. Based on a series of courses and only speaking in Hakka during the teaching processes; it might help children to speak more Hakka language and increase understanding of the culture of Hakka. Regarding the difficulties of the Hakka language immersion program, children liked to speak more Mandarin instead of Hakka language; teachers had to remind them in time. Furthermore, the families played an important role for their children’s Hakka language learning, teachers were unable to intervene the family, and they could only focus on school education. Cooperation between family and school might assist children to speak Hakka more frequently. Regarding parental attitudes, findings indicated that parents with better Hakka language capacity were more positive toward the Hakka language immersion program.
