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篇名 《孽海花》中的間諜形象初探
卷期 8:1
並列篇名 Seeking for the Image of Spy in “Flower in the Sea of Evil”
作者 張芳穎
頁次 120-136
關鍵字 孽海花間諜復仇Flower in the sea of evilSpyRevenge
出刊日期 201403




The topic of “Flower in the sea of evil” which changes from political to
historical describes the social circumstances at the time by passing this novel from Jin Tianhe to Zeng Pu. Although the topic changes, Zeng Pu is still trying to follow the inspiration of Jin Tianhe and concentrates on the interaction between China, Japan and USSR. Linking to the events such as revolution of Nihilism party, the Sino-Japanese War, and the Treaty of Shimonoseki, Japanese and Soviet spies appear in the novel several times. There are two reasons why these people became spies described by Zeng Pu.
First is for patriotism, the other is for revenge. These two kinds of reasons are arranged by the author on purpose to show how these spies come to different ways and results. Although the style shown in their movements of spies differs from each other by their background and character differences, Zeng Pu did not bring up an idea of which way makes success. There is no relation between character, ability and success.The appearances of the Japanese and Soviet spies are shaped by the author’s imagination of the people in these enemy countries. However, there is no criticism and judgment against these enemy spies in “Flower in the sea of evil”; some respect is even shown in it. On the contrary, the author accuses conservative scholar-official instead. This point of view indicates Zeng’s position of approval of revolution and political innovation. In the background of wars happening, showing sacrifice and contribution from the people of the enemy country is undoubted for the hope to wake people’s patriotism in the author’s home country .
