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篇名 韓中傳統戲曲舞臺藝術之比較──以唱劇、越劇的《春香傳》為中心
卷期 25
並列篇名 Comparative Study on Concept about Stage Space and Performance Frames of Korean and Chinese Traditional Opera : take the Changgeuk and the Yue Opera "Chunhyangjeon" as Example.
作者 蘇香瑗
頁次 105-126
關鍵字 韓國唱劇Pansori越劇春香傳傳統戲曲舞臺ChanggeukPansoriChunhyangjeonYue Operastage
出刊日期 201403




This paper will mainly analyze Changgeuk(Korean traditional opera) and
Yue Opera(Chinese traditional opera) "Chunhyangjeon" case comparatively,
forcus on the performance on the stage. First, I will introduce the development from Pansori(a traditional Korean style of narrative song) to Changgeuk and the formation and development of Yue opera "Chunhyangjeon" from Changgeuk "Chunhyangjeon" of North Korea, and then mainly discuss the difference and sameness of Changgeuk and Yue Opera on the point of view of expressive way of emotions and spirit, the concept of stage space, stage presents, performance frames, etc.
